The Cherry Tree - trailer

The Cherry Tree 2 min.

maandag 18 mei 2009

Behind the scene's

The shotlist or "bible". This is how the managing/coordination part looks like.
This was a capture at the time of shooting. Today this shotlist is 10x longer and more complex.
The shotlist covers, who did what, how and untill when. it also covers personal artist information, who is payed, when and how much. it has a special budget page and time management page.
One of the difficulties with this project was the multi tasking between 4 or more artist working with me simultaniously.
Here is the link to the shotlist today jan2012

I drew the girl where Desi drew the boy, from a remote place in Bulgaria. this is how it looks combined.

Dit zijn de eerste frames waar we schaduw aan hebben toegevoegd.
getekend door: Desi Totkova en Teodora Kralcheva

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